Rila (Kartala)

Rila (Kartala)

Construction of a cabin-lift in Rila Mountain authorized by the Municipality of Blagoevgrad without an EIA in violation of Art. 92 of the Environmental Protection Act and Art. 144 of the Spatial Development Act;
Complaint by NGOs to the Supreme Administrative Prosecutor’s Office and DG Environment (EC)

Construction of a cabin-lift in Rila Mountain authorized by the Municipality of Blagoevgrad without an EIA in violation of Art. 92 of the Environmental Protection Act and Art. 144 of the Spatial Development Act;
Complaint by NGOs to the Supreme Administrative Prosecutor’s Office and DG Environment (EC)
Infringement procedure of DG Environment No. 2009/2301
Letter No.БЛ-16-02-587/10.09.2009 - Denial of the Regional Construction control Directorate to proclaim the construction permit null and void in line with Art. 146-4 of the Administrative Procedure Code
Complaint of the Local prosecutor’s office against Letter №БЛ-16-02-587/10.09.2009 of Regional Construction control Directorate - the complaint was registered in the Construction Control Directorate one day after the legal deadline.
The denial of the Regional Construction Control Directorate cancelled by the Supreme Administrative Court with Decision No. 8831/28.06.2010 despite the missed legal terms.
Letter No.ДК-10-ЮЗР-103/21.07.2010 – Second denial of the Regional Construction control Directorate to proclaim the construction permit null and void in line with Art. 146-4 of the Administrative Procedure Code.
Complaint of the Local prosecutor’s office against Letter №БЛ-16-02-587/10.09.2009 of the Regional Construction control Directorate - the complaint was submitted in the Construction Control Directorate one day after the end-term.
The complaint of the Local prosecutor is proclaimed out-of-deadline by Definition No. 4074/22.03.2011 of the Supreme Administrative Court .
The Ministry of Environment denied to challenge the contested construction permits stating that Art. 147 (1) of the Administrative Procedure Code does not allow competent authorities to challenge administrative acts.