Eastern Rodopi mountains – illegal investment plans threaten biodiversity

Eastern Rodopi mountains – illegal investment plans threaten biodiversity

The Eastern Rodopi Mountains are among the most beautiful and untouched places in Bulgaria. With their specific landscape and rocky outcrops this place has become a stronghold of biodiversity.

Many endangered species live and nest here. This is the only place where the three vulture species seen in the country make their nests – the White-headed Vulture, the Black Vulture and the Egyptian Vulture. Moreover, this is the place with the greatest variety of carnivorous birds in Bulgaria


However, due to misunderstood investor encouragement and certain government officials' personal interests the unique landscape and biodiversity of the Eastern Rodopi is under threat of being completely destroyed.

1997 in Kyoto, Japan, the Kyoto conference on climate change took place and the Kioto Protocol was accepted. Developed countries agreed to specific targets for cutting their emissions of greenhouse gases in the period 2008-2012. As a result of signing this protocol, Bulgaria started developing alternative energy sources throughout the country.

“For the Nature” coalition believes that these ecologically-friendly energy sources have many advantages if they are built on appropriate land not only from the point of view of economy and energy efficiency, but also of the impact on the environment and regional biodiversity. Regrettably, existing development of this process in Bulgaria raises serious concern.

Following the above mentioned trends to develop renewable energy sources Bulgaria has seen increased interest in alternative energy plant construction. This process is extremely intensive in the Eastern Rodopy mountains.

Sadly, the authorities responsible for controlling this process – the Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Waters (RIEW) of Haskovo city (the local body of the Ministry of Environment and Waters) are working against Bulgaria's national interests and environmental legislation:

The approvals of investment propositions for wind generators commence under complete information blackout. RIEW Haskovo are not releasing information on their decisions about Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), compatibility assessments and announcements on public discussions. However, this information is required by law.

They are breaking the Law on Access to Public Information by refusing to publish information about completed Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), compatibility assessments and decisions of the RIEW-Haskovo Director concerning the impact on local environment. As a result, numerous lawsuits for withholding information have been conducted by member organizations of “For the Nature” coalition. Some cases have already been won, while others are under consideration by the Haskovo Administrative Court and the Supreme Administrative Court.

Although the Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and the wind turbines' compatibility assessments are far from objective and contain numerous false conclusions, they are being approved by RIEW-Haskovo.

All of this is a serious breach of Environmental Laws and can only lead to the assumption that high-level corruption of government officials is involved.

If all planned wind power plants are completed, the populations of many world endangered species, including those of the vultures, which have inhabited the East Rodopi Mountains for millenia, will be seriously threatened.

“For the Nature” coalition believes that under no circumstances can this be allowed to happen and that it verges on national treason. We will continue to fight against all malpractice in this region in order to preserve our national heritage and beautiful environment.

Photos: Dobromir Dobrinov, Green Balkans organization

Translation from Bulgarian: Radoslav Dimitrov