The decision comes after thousands of Bulgarians protested on the streets to defend the country's oldest national park against construction of new infrastructure (including ski resorts) and logging in some of the oldest forests of Europe. The campaign has enormous international support with more than 125000 signatures in a petition launched by WWF Bulgaria.
Organizations from ЗаДаОстанеПРИРОДА - who won the case stated yesterday: " (the decision) reaffirms that the MoEW lacks a basic understanding of European directives. The court's decision and the interpretation of its laws will be important for the other national parks, for all other protected areas, Natura 2000 sites and for the plans or programs covered by the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive."
For The Nature Coalition insists that Miroslav Kalugerov, director of the National Nature Protection Service be immediately dismissed for lack of competence. He was the main expert of the Ministry defending the new management plan and is now preparing changes in the Biodiversity Act which will harm the Natura 2000 network in Bulgaria.
Bulgarian court suspended the new plan of Pirin National Park, which allowed construction in 66% of its territory
Apr. 29, 2020