
Round table
Apr. 17, 2008
Youth days
Apr. 17, 2008
Silence for Rila
Apr. 10, 2008
Dogs in home
Apr. 08, 2008
Big march for Nature - April 22nd!
Apr. 08, 2008
Apr. 08, 2008
Vlahi camp
Apr. 05, 2008
Take action: change the law, save the forest
Apr. 02, 2008
Take action Plant life
Mar 31, 2008
Action Barosso Sofia
Mar 26, 2008
The President of the European Commission Barroso in Sofia - action near the Parliament on Friday!
Mar 25, 2008
Plant Life - Dylboki village, Stara Zagora
Mar 21, 2008
National spring contest
Mar 12, 2008
Nov. 13, 2007
Coalition of Non-governmental Organizations LET NATURE REMAIN IN BULGARIA (

More than 12 projects of large ski resorts are already known to the environmental organizations. Most of them are planned to be constructed into protected areas with susceptible ecosystems, centuries-old forests, important aquiferous zones and even to places with extremely low annual snowfall.

Currently the most disturbing case is the advancing illegal construction work of one of the megalomaniac ski resorts (Panichishte – Rila Lakes – Kabul Peak) on the territory of National Park Rila(NATURA 2000 ZONE “Rila” BG0002055) and Rila-buffer zone (NATURA 2000 ZONE “Rila-buffer” BG0001188), as the latter was even excluded from NATURA 2000 network because of the numerous investment intentions.
Aug. 22, 2007
[imgleft">torbi11.jpg[/imgleft"> Make your small contribution to reducing pollution on the Earth – buy a cloth bag and reduce the use of plastic bags!

When you go shopping, when you carry things or just take a walk – be “green” and give up the non-degradable and waste-creating bags that have taken over our life and are firmly residing on fields, beside the road, even in water basins and forests.

Aug. 06, 2007
[imgleft">3_200pxl.jpg[/imgleft"> Make an imprint of your hands or trace them out and color them on a sheet of paper, then write your name, age, and the city you live in and send everything to us. Get all the kids you play with, your classmates, the kindergarten kids, the friends you play sports or visit the same course with INVOLVED. Show that you care about the future of nature in Bulgaria!

The letter with all the imprints you sent us will be sent to the President of Bulgaria.
Mar 16, 2007
On Monday (March 19) we are about to witness yet another deriding attempt of the authorities to disgrace the nature of Bulgaria. This time on the chopping block is one of our greatest natural treasures, our largest protected area, one of the most valuable sites not only on the Balkans, but in entire Europe – Strandzha Natural Park.
Mar 02, 2007
Let all of us who are going outdoors – to the mountains, the seaside or in the country - take a picture of ourselves and our friends holding a hand-made poster FOR THE NATURE (saying “So that there’s nature left in Bulgaria”, “Natura 2000 in full range 33%”, “Moratorium on construction in endangered areas”, “For our children to be healthy, leave nature alone!”, “Nature – people’s most precious capital”… or whatever motto or picture springs from you heart.) The main point is to express your feelings for nature and have your face and message come across!